General Guide to the Authors
The authors or presenters are kindly advised to meet as closely as possible to the range of subjects provided in each of the sub-themes. Ideas, viewpoints or approaches other than the ones described in the table may be included and to certain extent would be welcomed depending on its conformity to the overall conference theme. At this point, the Forum Editors may exercise editorial discretion to include or revise parts of the paper wherever necessary. If this happen, the Editors will make necessary attempt to inform and obtain prior consent from the author.
As each author is invited based on his or her expertise on housing in his or her country, thus it is expected that each of the authors to focus solely on facts, phenomenon, study, and research on housing within his or her country.
ARCH invites submissions of original papers with a particular focus on three sub themes:
Theme 1: Vernacular House of Southeast Asia
Theme 2: Modern Housing Typologies of Southeast Asia
Theme 3: Housing Marketing of Southeast Asia
The papers submitted should be limited to focus on housing studies in the following countries:
Mainland Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam
Island Southeast Asia: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines
Guide for preparation of the paper
All papers must meet the submission guidelines identified below. The paper must be prepared using Microsoft (MS) Words in A4-size paper layout with text written in Times New Roman size 11 using multiple line spacing at 1.2. Top and bottom margins are defined at 2.00 cm and left and right margins are defined at 3.00 cm and 2.00 cm respectively, of which the margins must be kept consistent at each of the pages. It is not necessary to include accompanying figures and tables in the main text; however each of these materials must be supplied separately in different files and labeled according to its numbering sequence as adopted in the main text. Figures created in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Illustrator should be supplied in their native formats. Electronic documents created in other applications should be copied from the origination software and pasted into a blank MS Word document. The textual content is to be presented in US English with an abstract of not more than 300 words. A translation of the abstract into Korean language will be prepared by the Secretariat. Authors may refer to three samples MS Word files (manuscript, figure and table) which you can follow.
Submission deadline
The paper is to be submitted on-line by 30th of June 2011